Forgotten Sisters combines true crime, suspense, historical fiction, fairy tales, and supernatural horror to deliver a ghostly tale of two sisters with a past.
What’s Forgotten Sisters about?
The Forgotten Sisters follows Anna and Jennie...
Dixie Wheeler, the main character of Theme Music, is a little odd. She gets a pass, though. You would, too, if your whole family was brutally slaughtered in front of your eyes. YEAH. You heard me. What's Theme Music about? The...
The Sun Down Motel gave me mixed feelings. I'd been eagerly anticipating this one for months, especially after seeing SO much love for it from readers and other book bloggers. I was so excited when it came in from my local library just before they...
Aunt Dimity and The King's Ransom is cozy AF. I know, probably not how you expected me to begin this book review. Especially with the name "Aunt Dimity" in the title. But, "cozy AF" is the best way to describe this light, cute, and almost...
I love supernatural thrillers. I cannot get enough of them, either in book, TV show, or movie form. My obsession with all things ghostly started when I was about six, and while, yes, it deeply troubled my mother, she wasn’t able to stop me in my...