A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

When Should I Stop Querying My Manuscript?

Among all the questions plaguing aspiring authors, one of the most depressing has to be "When should I stop querying my manuscript?" Unfortunately, I think I've found an answer. It's been awhile since I've posted a writer life update. While there's...

Back in the Saddle Again: Querying Literary Agents, Round 2, and Writing Novel #2

All I can think of is that scene in Sleepless in Seattle: Tom Hanks summons up all his manly courage to call a woman and ask her out on what'll be his first date in quite awhile, as the old-timey song "Back in the Saddle Again" plays jauntily in the...


Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout is a book that 20-Something CJ wouldn't have looked twice at. Let's fast forward (quite) a few years to, well, now. CJ's in her early 40s (and apparently speaking in third person)....

Conversations with Hybrid Publishers: My Good and Bad Experiences

Thanks for joining me for Part 2 of my Hybrid Publishing series! Today, I'm sharing the details about my experiences with two hybrid publishers -- both the good and the bad!   A Tale of Two Publishers As I mentioned in How to Decide if Hybrid...

How to Decide if Hybrid Publishing is Right for You

Writers, I have gone down a freakin' rabbit hole when it comes to Hybrid Publishing. Which is pretty incredible considering that I didn't even know hybrid publishing existed until a few months ago. If you're wondering what hybrid publishing is and...

How to Revive a Manuscript: Welcome Back, Novel #3

Hey, Tartlets. Coming at you today with how I finally -- finally -- revived a manuscript that I thought was a lost cause. Notice that I said "revived" and not "revised." That's on purpose. Remember when I called Time of Death on Novel #3? Yeah,...

How to Shelve a Manuscript: The Saga of Novel #3

The good I wrote my third novel.  The bad Instead of querying this manuscript to literary agents, I'm going to shelve it.  In case you're unsure: THIS WAS NOT THE PLAN.  Prepare yourselves, Tartlets, because this is, indeed, the Saga of Novel...


Confession: I've never read a Stephen King novel. Yes, even though I adore horror stories. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is the first work by this insanely famous author I've read.     A good writer always needs more writing advice I picked...


It took me a long time to read Where the Crawdads Sing. Please don't make the same mistake I did.     Why it took me so long to read Where the Crawdads Sing There has been So. Much. Hype. around this 2018 novel by Delia Owens. It was picked up by...