A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Citrus Quinoa Salad (Recipe Inspired by NINE PERFECT STRANGERS)

One of the reasons that Tranquillum House in Nine Perfect Strangers seems so ideal for transforming your life is that guests are encouraged (forced?) to eat healthy and clean. Although I love my carbs and cream sauces, there definitely comes a point...

Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala (Recipe Inspired by SLOW PRODUCTIVITY)

Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala is the perfect meal for this time of year. You’re not standing over a stove in the late summer heat, but you’re enjoying all the cozy, warm spices of fall that are just around the corner.   Why is Slow Cooker...

Shrimp Turmeric Curry (Recipe Inspired by THE CURIOUS SECRETS OF YESTERDAY)

All the soothing, healing, cozy vibes are coming at you with Shrimp Turmeric Curry. I love me a good curry, no matter what the weather. After years of making Quick Chickpea Curry, I’ve branched out to include some new flavor profiles and proteins...

Mushroom Shawarma Grain Bowls (Recipe Inspired by THE JINN DAUGHTER)

Mushroom Shawarma Grain Bowls are da bomb. What? The kids still say that these days, right? No? *clears throat** These Mushroom Shawarma Grain Bowls are fire. And you’re gonna love ‘em.   Why are Mushroom Shawarma Grain Bowls the book-inspired...

Classic Victoria Sponge (Recipe Inspired by GAD’S HALL)

I polished off this entire Classic Victoria Sponge in about a week. Yes, I gained five pounds afterward. Yes, it was worth it.  Worth it, do you hear me?    Why is Victoria Sponge the book-inspired dessert for Gad's Hall?  The Thorley family...

Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce (Recipe Inspired by THE LOST VILLAGE)

Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce is quickly becoming my favorite way to eat salmon.    Why is Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce the book-inspired recipe for The Lost Village? You guys, we have Mr Tart to thank for this book-inspired recipe. When I was...

Best Fried Green Tomato BLTs (Recipe Inspired By SURVIVING SAVANNAH)

I've had plenty of BLTs in my lifetime, but this is my first ever Fried Green Tomato BLT.  And lemme tell ya: I'm a convert.    Why are Fried Green Tomato BLTs the book-inspired recipe for Saving Savannah? This book-inspired recipe...

Grand-Mere’s Friday Night Chicken (Recipe Inspired by THE GOWN)

Grand-Mere’s Friday Night Chicken is truth in advertising here, people. Or, truth in blogging, I guess. What you see is what you get. And what I cooked. Full warning: I took a lot of liberties with my book-inspired recipe for The Gown. The...

Caprese Farro Salad (Recipe Inspired by MUSICAL CHAIRS)

The Summer of Salads continues with make-ahead marvel Caprese Farro Salad. While my Arugula Salad with Watermelon and Feta is a perfect appetizer for your fancy dinner party, you’ll want to haul along a container of Caprese Farro Salad to your...

Lemon Herb Chicken (Reciped Inspired by THE SILENT COMPANIONS)

Get ready, Tartlets. I’m serving up the perfect fall meal with my Lemon Herb Chicken. It feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve gone into the kitchen to make a proper meal. It's been a low-key summer, living on lots of quick and delicious...