Whoever wrote the jacket copy for Catherine House should have written the actual book. Although I don't usually request ARCs, I couldn't help myself when I saw the offer for Catherine House pop up. Billed as a suspenseful, atmospheric, modern Gothic novel about a young woman who suspects her elite university is hiding a sinister secret, it sounded right up my alley. I hit "request" and eagerly awaited my copy in the mail. The ARC arrived. I...
Aunt Dimity and The King's Ransom is cozy AF. I know, probably not how you expected me to begin this book review. Especially with the name "Aunt Dimity" in the title. But, "cozy AF" is the best way to describe this light, cute, and almost wholesome mystery. It begins with a cozy family living in a cozy Cotswold village. *swoon* Main character Lori is overstressed, so her too-perfect-to-be-true husband books them a romantic weekend away at a...
It'd been awhile since I read a new thriller, so I was pretty excited when Beautiful Bad arrived from the library. Before you get too excited, though, you should know that this book ended up on the DNF pile. *Womp womp* Apart from it sounding like a good thriller, I was originally drawn to Beautiful Bad because of the exotic locations in which part of the story is set. While the novel starts with a present-day crime scene, a lot of the first 100...
“I’m looking for a good Mormon mystery.” Said not most people. Honestly, until I read Death in the Covenant by D.A. Bartley, I didn’t even know such a genre existed. But, exist it does, and lemme tell ya – it’s pretty darn great. I loved the TV show Big Love, and I also really enjoyed reading The 19th Wife. So, when JKS Communications reached out to me about Death in the Covenant, I was immediately enticed by the Mormon mystery...
Well, we made it to summer, everyone! If you’re like me, you're dreaming about what vacations you want to take. Warm weather always makes me think about jet-setting somewhere exotic -- or, really, to anywhere that’s different from what I see 24/7 in my daily routine. The past few years have yielded a lot more daycations than vacations for me, though, so I’ve been getting my vicarious vacation fix through books. Which brings me to this...
Oh, man. This book is heavy. The Things She's Seen was a hard one to read, but it's oh-so worth it. I received an ARC of this YA title by Australian brother-sister writing duo Ambelin and Ezekiel Kwaymullina, and I was thoroughly hooked from the first page. This story is a poignant blend of mystery, fantasy, and brutal reality that will leave you eagerly turning the pages for more. There's a lot of action and issues packed into this slim...
Well, An Unwanted Guest was a nice little murder mystery. What's An Unwanted Guest about? When I first started reading this third novel by Shari Lapena, I immediately was reminded of Agatha Christie’s Evil Under the Sun – or, of the movie version since I’ve never actually read the book. An interesting cast of characters have all ended up at the same place – but instead of at a lux resort in the Adriatic, it’s at a cozy inn in the...
Thrillers. Easily one of my new favorite genres. For a long time, though, I wouldn't touch them. Although I love me some supernatural thrillers, I had no interest whatsoever in suspense, mystery, or "whodunits." I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I haven't always been so great at picking books to read. I was an English major, so I've read a lot of novels. I eagerly devoured whatever titles were assigned for AP English and Lit back in...
Oh, Wendy Webb. Will you ever write a book that I don't enjoy? Probably not. I don't think you're capable of it. I was fortunate enough to receive an Advance Review Copy of Daughters of the Lake, and I was totally psyched when it arrived in the mail. I've read all of Webb's previous novels and have been eagerly anticipating her newest -- so, receiving an advance copy to read and review for the blog had me...
Well. That was certainly a different take on my favorite “serendipitous inheritance” theme! As you’ve learned from previous posts, I have a soft spot for books in which the main character (usually a woman whose life has become up-ended) either buys a house in some random place in an attempt to build a new life (à la Under the Tuscan Sun or Tumbledown Manor), or happily inherits a charming fixer-upper from some unknown relative just as her...