I never thought I would be terrified of Ikea. But, it’s been a little while since I finished Grady Hendrix’s Horrorstör, and I’m still giving the store some side eye as I drive past it on my way to work. Despite the fact that I’m now too scared to go buy that third Billy bookcase I’ve been wanting for awhile, I highly recommend you read this book if you’re looking for a good scare. What's Horrorstor about?...
Oh, Wendy Webb. Will you ever write a book that I don't enjoy? Probably not. I don't think you're capable of it. I was fortunate enough to receive an Advance Review Copy of Daughters of the Lake, and I was totally psyched when it arrived in the mail. I've read all of Webb's previous novels and have been eagerly anticipating her newest -- so, receiving an advance copy to read and review for the blog had me...
What. The. EFF. Is. Going. On…. ?!?!?!?!!?!? This is what kept playing in my head as I kept reading Paul Tremblay’s The Cabin at the End of the World. Because this book is INSANE. In the best possible way. Definitely one of the best btyooks I have read all year. I greedily consumed this novel with the same intensity as I did Bird Box, which I actually finished in one day. I wanted to inhale this book, but I settled for reading it in great,...
Um, the main character in Lying in Wait is batshit crazy. Well, one of the main characters. There are several who are more than a little "off," but the one I’m talking about is Lydia, the woman who tells you within the first few pages that she committed a murder. She relays this information so matter-of-factly, it’s as if she’s telling you what groceries she just picked up from the store. La di da. Bought this, bought that, murdered a...
Welcome to Part 2 of this month's Quick Look Books! I posted recommendations of supernatural horror stories for the YA audience earlier this week, and now it's time to feature some titles for the grown-ups. I'm a connoisseur of spooky stories, and after many years of reading about the paranormal, it's rare that I find books that truly unsettle me. You already know how much I loved (and was terrified by) Ania Ahlborn's The Bird Eater. Here are...
I can't believe it's the second week of October already! Halloween is rapidly approaching, which means it's definitely time to over-indulge in reading my favorite genre of books -- supernatural horror. This month's Quick Look Books is a two-parter. While I have plenty of scary books to recommend for adults, I also get asked about supernatural reads that would be appropriate for pre-teens and teenagers. I greatly empathize with the plight of...
I almost stopped reading this book. I have a 50-page rule when I read something new -- every book has 50 pages to get me interested in the story, or I put it aside. Most novels grab me right from the get-go; others take a bit of time to get into the story. I used to dismiss books after only a few paragraphs or pages, but I decided to make the cut-off point 50 pages after reading We Need To Talk About Kevin, which is perhaps one of my favorite...
I immediately loved The Ever After. In my head, I sounded like Anchorman's Ron Burgundy when he says “I immediately regret this decision." Except there’s no regret here whatsoever. Only contentment. After a false start with another book, which shall remain nameless, I picked up The Ever After and quickly knew this was going to be a story I would not want to put down. I started reading this at 10:30 on a Sunday night, which is very late for...
Love can be creepy. And The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, among many other things, is a love story. A twisted, gruesome, incredibly disturbing love story. AND IT’S AMAZING. What's The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein about? The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein is a re-telling of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein from the viewpoint of Elizabeth Lavenza, a woman who's taken in by the Frankenstein...
I have a friend who, without fail, asks me “So, what have you been reading lately?” every time I see him. Despite the fact that I’m a book blogger, I usually draw a blank when someone asks me for literary recommendations out of the blue. I’m always reading something, but I can’t always recall the title of my current read off the top of my head. (Meanwhile, I remember the name of my best friend's sophomore year math teacher quite...