I don't usually read books like Decoding the Stars: A Modern Astrology Guide to Discover Your Life's Purpose. But, I’m so glad I broke out of my comfort zone with this one. As we bring 2023 to a close, I’m bringing you a dose of “woo woo” that'll knock your socks off.
How I discovered Decoding the Stars
I actually met author Allison Scott before I'd even heard of Decoding the Stars. We hit it off and soon started talking about ghosts...
Home for Christmas by Holly Chamberlin wasn't my favorite Christmas book ever. But, it definitely wasn’t the worst.
You know how some holiday stories can get overly saccharine? Home for Christmas is like that. Just a little. The two daughters are just a little too perfect. The main relationships in the book are just a little too on the nose. And, everything gets tied up a little too neatly in the end.
But, hey. It’s Christmas, right? WE...
I hated Hamlet, the famous play by William Shakespeare. But, I adored HamNet, the novel by Maggie O’Farrell.
This work of historical fiction has been on my TBR list for a little while, but because of the title, I was reluctant to dive in. Luckily, a friend reassured me that the novel Hamnet has very little to do with Hamlet, and then told me I should read it because it’s wonderful.
My friend was right.
What’s Hamnet about?
The Hacienda is one of those books that’s received a lot of buzz – and I’m happy to report that it lived up to the hype.
I’ve seen a lot of bloggers/reviews comparing The Hacienda to Mexican Gothic, which was a DNF for me. So, it took me awhile to gather the courage to attempt The Hacienda.
I’m not sure why people keep comparing these two novels. Maybe -- disappointingly -- it’s because they’re both set in Mexico?? Sigh. It's a...
Don’t let the excessively long title of this book turn you off. I promise you that **deep breath** A True Account: Hannah Masury’s Sojourn Amongst the Pyrates, Written by Herself is a GREAT read.
When Kaye Publicity asked me if I’d like an ARC of this Katherine Howe title, I pounced on the opportunity. I adored Howe’s witchy historical fiction novel The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, and I wasn’t passing up a chance to get my...
Greenwich Park isn't the best thriller I've ever read, but it's certainly not the worst.
I know, I know. Not the world's great accolade. I've read a lot of great thrillers, and while this one kept me entertained, it didn't necessarily blow me out of the water. A large reason for that is because while there are plenty of plot twists, I saw about half of them coming a mile away. It's all just kind of predictable.
What's Greenwich Park...
How do I even begin to review the confounding and enchanting reading experience that is Gad’s Hall and The Haunting of Gad’s Hall?
First, let me reassure you that despite the book cover promising “two novels of the supernatural,” Gad’s Hall/The Haunting of Gad's Hall is the most benign ghost story I’ve ever read.
Like, if you blink, you miss the scary parts. Which aren’t even that scary to begin with.
Shockingly, I was okay with...
Old Country is one of the best horror stories I’ve read in a very long time.
Tartlets, this supernatural horror novel by Matt Query and Harrison Query is AWESOME. There’s no other word for it. Old Country blew me away with its originality, insidiously creepy reveals, and excellent writing. I’ve read a lot of haunted house stories, but this tale about a young married couple living on haunted land stands out as a rare treat in the horror...
A Storm of Infinite Beauty begins with a bang – pretty much literally.
Did you know that a massive earthquake and tsunami decimated a portion of the Alaskan coastline in the 1960s? Because I had no idea this happened until I read Julianne MacLean’s detailed and deeply researched women’s fiction novel set in Valdez, Alaska.
What’s A Storm of Infinite Beauty about?
A Storm of infinite Beauty is a dual timeline novel. There's young...
I tried reading the second book in the Sparrow Sister series a few years ago. I only made it a few pages into Book #2 -- The Forbidden Garden -- before putting it aside. It was mainly because I just couldn't get into the story or keep the characters straight.
Now, I know why. I was supposed to read The Sparrow Sisters first.
What's The Sparrow Sisters about?
The Sparrow Sisters by Ellen Herrick unfolds slowly. It eases you...