This hardly ever happens to me, but... I have no idea what to write as a book review for Lock Every Door. As I read a book, I'm usually furiously scribbling notes in my little journal; I know I won't remember bookish thoughts later on that come to me in the moment, so I make sure to jot them down as reference points for when I write my reviews. But, I didn't make any notes for Lock Every Door. Not a single one. I was too busy reading. ...
I want to tell you what reading An American Marriage by Tayari Jones did to me. It blew the doors of my understanding of white privilege wide open. Those doors will never be shut again. What's An American Marriage about? An American Marriage focuses on main characters Roy and Celestial. They're young, happily married, and advancing in their careers. Everything's going well for them until, one night, Roy is mistaken by a white woman...
Who else pounces on a new Mary Kay Andrews book the minute it comes out? My copy of Hello, Summer arrived a few days before Memorial Day Weekend, and it made me so excited to kick off the summer season. I'd devoured another beach read last MDW, and I figured a book titled "Hello, Summer" would be a shoo-in to invoke the easy, beachy, summertime vibes. Um, no. What's Hello, Summer about? Hello, Summer follows the...
The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James gave me mixed feelings. I'd been eagerly anticipating this one for months, especially after seeing SO much love for it from readers and other book bloggers. I was so excited when it came in from my local library just before they closed down because of COVID-19. I was quarantined, but I figured, Hey, I got THE book I was waiting for, so NBD. Ehhh, not quite. What's The Sun Down Motel...
Um, who's about ready for a beach vacation? THIS GIRL. While we may not be taking actual vacations anytime soon, I'm here to tell you that you can take a vicarious one with Summer Rental by Mary Kay Andrews. What's Summer Rental about? In Summer Rental, three friends rent a summer beach house in the Outer Banks, NC. When their "fourth" for the house bails on them last minute, they invite a random woman (ummm, okay....) to take...
Little Darlings by Melanie Golding is So. Freakin’. GOOD. I’m not usually a fan of stories that blur the line between supernatural and psychotic – is there really something otherworldly going on, or is the main character just crazy? – but Little Darlings may be one of the best exceptions I’ve ever come cross. Fair warning: don’t read this book if you have an intense fear of child abduction. This book made me sleepless, and I don’t...
Whoever wrote the jacket copy for Catherine House should have written the actual book. Although I don't usually request ARCs, I couldn't help myself when I saw the offer for Catherine House pop up. Billed as a suspenseful, atmospheric, modern Gothic novel about a young woman who suspects her elite university is hiding a sinister secret, it sounded right up my alley. I hit "request" and eagerly awaited my copy in the mail. The ARC arrived. I...
I can't remember if I requested an ARC of Saint X. I was pretty surprised when it showed up on my doorstep last fall, so I'm guessing that I didn't actually seek this one out. However, it's possible I just forgot. Book bloggers tend to say yes to any offers of free books that come their way, and, while I limit the ARCS I request to only a few per year, there's a good chance I read a synopsis of Saint X before my self-imposed ARC restrictions and...
It's like the main character of The Invited has never seen a scary movie. Or, knows nothing about Lorraine and Ed Warren's Occult Museum. Or, seen an episode of -- or even a commercial for -- the Haunted Collector. Okay, okay. I realize many of you are scratching your heads right about now. I'm aware that I have a niche knowledge of all things supernatural thanks to my life-long obsession with the paranormal. But, still. I think we can all...
Looking for a fun and spooky-but-not-too-scary book to put you in the Halloween mood? Well, The Hocus Pocus Magic Shop has you covered. I simply adored this wonderful novel by Abigail Drake. It's a delightfully saucy romp filled with enchanting magic and a deliciously satisfying romance. There's also a lovable cast of charismatic characters and a steady stream of mounting mystery. That's right, folks. This one's got it all. ...