A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Iced Dirty Chai Latte (Recipe Inspired by A NOVEL OBSESSION)

I’d never had an Iced Dirty Chai Latte up until a few weeks ago. Now, I’m craving it all.the.time. This book-inspired recipe for A Novel Obsession comes straight from the novel – this refreshing, not-too-sweet treat is main character Naomi’s go-to order at the Brooklyn coffee shops where she stalks Rosemary. And, after tasting a dirty chai latte for myself, I can see why.   You may remember that I’m not a huge fan of chai. But I...

Easy Homemade Granola with Fruit and Nuts (Recipe Inspired By Lockdown On London Lane)

No lie: this Easy Homemade Granola with Fruit and Nuts is what I eat for breakfast every day. AND I LOVE IT.   Why is Homemade Granola with Fruit and Nuts the book-inspired recipe for Lockdown on London Lane? I've eaten granola for years now, but up until recently I always used the store-bought kind. The idea to make homemade granola often occurred to me -- I could save so much money, it's so much healthier, etc. -- but there was always a...

Super Easy Ground Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry (Recipe Inspired by THE HOLLOW PLACES)

Ground Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry is your go-to recipe for a quick weeknight dinner.   Why is Ground Beef and Vegetable Stir Fry the book-inspired recipe for The Hollow Places? There’s a lot of Chinese take-out happening in The Hollow Places, which made my horror-loving heart very happy. One of my favorite things to do is order Chinese take-out for dinner and settle down with a good movie or TV show. Sadly, I don't live in an area where I...

Easy Dundee Cake (Recipe Inspired by THE WINTER SEA)

Allow me to introduce you to the palest Dundee Cake you'll ever meet. Pale, but delicious.   Why is Dundee Cake the book-inspired recipe for The Winter Sea? Since The Winter Sea is saturated in all things Scotland, I wanted to make a Scottish book-inspired recipe. In order to avoid making a Scotch egg or haggis *shudders* I decided to forgo the savory route by making something sweet. After flipping through some recipe books, this Dundee Cake...

Spiced Walnut Cookies (Recipe Inspired by CHRISTMAS CHARMS)

Tartlets, this is my last book-inspired recipe for the year! Can you believe it?  But I saved the best for last because these Spiced Walnut Cookies are my new favorite Christmas cookies.   Why are Walnut Spice Cookies the book-inspired recipe for Christmas Charms? The book-inspired recipe for Christmas Charms was pretty much handed to me – a recipe for “Spiced Walnut Crust Cookies with Chocolate Ganache and Sea Salt” was included in the...

Peppermint Chocolate Crinkle Cookies (Recipe Inspired by AUNT DIMITY’S CHRISTMAS)

These Peppermint Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are bringing the Christmas spirit! Because, is it even Christmas without cookies? And candy canes?? And chocolate???  I think not.    Why are Peppermint Chocolate Crinkle Cookies the book-inspired recipe for Aunt Dimity's Christmas? Main character Lori in Aunt Dimity’s Christmas becomes obsessed with creating the perfect Christmas for her family. Of course, this includes a lot of cookie baking....

Super Simple Mac and Cheese (Recipe Inspired by GHOSTS)

Tartlets, I'm coming at you today with my go-to Super Simple Mac and Cheese recipe. This is the version of mac and cheese that I make all. the. time. That is always in demand.   Why is Super Simple Mac and Cheese the book-inspired recipe for Ghosts? Main character (and single) Nina in Ghosts: A Novel cooks on her own more often than not. When you've had a long day of work, family obligations, friend drama, and relationship explosion, the...

Apple Crumble (Recipe Inspired by HOUR OF THE WITCH

“My apple crumble is by far the most crumble-est.” Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to say that in a blog post??? AWHILE. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, head here to be educated on the awesomeness of The Lonely Island’s “I'm So Humble.”  For those of you already in the know: *high five*   Why is Apple Crumble the book-inspired recipe for Hour of the Witch? Boiled apples are pretty pivotal in Hour of the Witch...

Authentic Anisette Cookies (Recipe Inspired by THE BAKESHOP AT PUMPKIN AND SPICE)

I hate Anisette Cookies with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. Yeah, I said it. A food blogger started off her own blog post by saying "I hate these cookies." However, my husband adores them. He loves whenever I make them. #TheThingsWeDoForLove He can't get enough of all things anisette, anise, or licorice. If you're anything like him, then YOU'RE WELCOME for this recipe.    If you don't like licorice or anise.... I’m gonna be...

Chicken Pot Pie (Recipe Inspired by THE DROWNING KIND)

If you're looking for fall comfort food, look no further than this recipe for Chicken Pot Pie. It's a dish that makes you feel warm and cozy and like everything’s going to be all right.   Why is Chicken Pot Pie the book-inspired recipe for The Drowning Kind? "Good" is the exact opposite of how you feel after reading The Drowning Kind. That book is creepyAF, which is why I chose Chicken Pot Pie as its book-inspired recipe. My thought process...