A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Totally Different Chocolate Chip Cookies (Recipe Inspired by RECIPE FOR A PERFECT WIFE)

Full disclosure: these Totally Different Chocolate Chip Cookies are unlike any other chocolate chip cookie you've tasted.  So different, in fact, that I debated posting this recipe. I even debated calling them "chocolate chip cookies."  In the end, though, these cookies were just SO. FREAKIN'. GOOD. that I decided it'd be selfish to keep them to myself. (You're welcome. Manners cost nothing.)   Why are Totally Different Chocolate Chip...

Easy Mushroom Risotto (Recipe Inspired by GHOSTER)

Mushroom Risotto is my new make-at-home culinary obsession. (Much to my mushroom-hating husband's dismay.) Once you make this dish, you're never going to order risotto in restaurants again. There's no need to when you can make it better at home.    Why is Mushroom Risotto the book-inspired recipe for Ghoster? Well, this is awkward. I can't tell you why Mushroom Risotto is the book-inspired recipe for Ghoster. The inspiration for this dish...

Amazing Carrot Cake (Recipe Inspired by LOVE LIKE THAT)

I swore that I'd never make Carrot Cake for the blog. But, here I am, gleefully breaking that promise.    Why is Carrot Cake the book-inspired recipe for Love Like That? Okay, everyone take a moment to click on the link to my book review for Love Like That. Now, look at that book cover.  That is clearly a Carrot Cake. And it looks freakin' delicious. How could I not make carrot cake as the book-inspired recipe after seeing that?...

Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce (Recipe Inspired by THE LOST VILLAGE)

Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce is quickly becoming my favorite way to eat salmon.    Why is Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce the book-inspired recipe for The Lost Village? You guys, we have Mr Tart to thank for this book-inspired recipe. When I was trying to think up what to pair with The Lost Village, I knew I wanted something with a Nordic flare – but not too Nordic. I wasn’t about to go all lutefisk or pickled herring on you. My goal is...

Best Fried Green Tomato BLTs (Recipe Inspired By SURVIVING SAVANNAH)

I've had plenty of BLTs in my lifetime, but this is my first ever Fried Green Tomato BLT.  And lemme tell ya: I'm a convert.    Why are Fried Green Tomato BLTs the book-inspired recipe for Saving Savannah? This book-inspired recipe for Surviving Savannah is a Southern lunch staple. Although much of this novel is historical fiction, there's a present-day timeline in which I could see main character Everly sitting down to a fried green...

New England Blueberry Buckle (Recipe Inspired by ON WRITING)

Tartlets, you’re looking at the Official Blueberry Buckle Baking Dish of Tartlet Cottage. Didn’t realize that was a thing, did you? The buckle or its official baking dish.     Why is Blueberry Buckle the book-inspired recipe for On Writing? Blueberry Buckle seemed like a good book-inspired recipe for On Writing. Master storyteller Stephen King hails from Maine, which is famous for its wild blueberries that grow in the summer, and a...

Chilled Seafood Salad (Recipe Inspired by WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING)

My herby, tangy, and refreshing Chilled Seafood Salad is the perfect dish for a light summer meal. I don't know about you, but once June rolls around, all I can think about is having an icy glass of lemonade, reading lots of books instead of working, and wishing I lived by the beach instead of in the mountains. And this year, after my adventures in Charleston where I ate ALL THE SEAFOOD, I just wasn't ready to let go of that shellfish...

Miami Vice Cookies (Recipe Inspired by THE NEWCOMER)

Listen up, Tartlets! I'm bringing you summertime vibes in cookie form with Miami Vice Cookies. What do you mean, Miami Vice? Before we go any further, let me clear one thing up: when I say "Miami Vice," I am not talking about the TV show. I'm talking about a DRINK. You all know that I don't love alcohol; I don't care for wine or beer or cocktails or anything like that. A Shirley Temple is my I'm-At-A-Bar beverage of choice. The exception...

Super Simple Lemonade (Recipe Inspired by WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING)

Get ready to beat the heat with Super Simple Lemonade. This is the lemonade I drink on repeat every summer. It’s the lemonade that I serve at BBQs, potlucks, holidays -- pretty much any warm-weather shindig going on at my house will have a pitcher of this on the table (along with my homemade iced tea). Why is Super Simple Lemonade the book-inspired recipe for When No One Is Watching? The entire time I was reading When No One is Watching, all...

Quick Chickpea Curry (Recipe Inspired by THE CANDID LIFE OF MEENA DAVE)

You guys, I am SO EXCITED to be sharing one of my favorite recipes with you today: Quick Chickpea Curry! Who else loves a good hot lunch? (Did anyone else read the words "hot lunch" and have a flashback to lining up in their elementary school cafeteria? You are my people.) I'm not a fan of raw or chilly foods, so if given the choice, I prefer my lunchtime meals to be piping hot. Now that I’m working remotely on a permanent basis – which...