A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Creamy Tomato Pasta [Recipe Inspired by A (NOT SO) LONELY PLANET: ITALY]

Hello, please meet my new best friend: Creamy Tomato Pasta. Because carbs are our friends, right? (If you disagree, please unsubscribe from this blog. #Kiddingnotkidding... )     Why is Creamy Tomato Pasta the book-inspired recipe for A (Not So) Lonely Planet: Italy? Creamy Tomato Pasta is the perfect meal when you're craving Italian food but don't want to go out to get it (or spend money on delivery fees). This book-inspired recipe for A...

Chocolate Orange Truffles (Recipe Inspired by THE PULL OF THE STARS)

A new door into the World of Desserts has opened for me, thanks to Chocolate Orange Truffles. Say it with me: "Homemade chocolate." Sounds daunting, right? Like, sure, maybe you could do it, but only if you had way more time on your hands. Or, if you were a character in a Hallmark movie fleeing to Europe after a bad breakup. WRONG. Get ready to be amazed, Tartlets. Making Chocolate Orange Truffles is way easier than I ever thought...

Chicken Saltimbocca (Recipe Inspired by SUNRISE BY THE SEA)

I can't believe I've just tried Chicken Saltimbocca for the very first time. Much like with Bara Brith, this is another moment when I can't believe I've lived this long (in Northern New Jersey, no less. With Italian genes.) without ever tasting this classic Italian dish.   Why is Chicken Saltimbocca the book-inspired recipe for Sunrise by the Sea? When it came to choosing a book-inspired recipe for Sunrise by the Sea, I was spoiled...

Bara Brith (Recipe Inspired by THE BONE HOUSES)

How did I go all these years of my life without ever tasting Bara Brith? This Welsh tea bread is a little like a scone, a little like a fruitcake, and a LOT like something I want to eat everyday for the rest of my life.       Why is Bara Brith the book-inspired recipe for The Bone Houses? The Bone Houses is steeped in Welsh folklore, and one of the first foods mentioned in the book is Bara Brith, a traditional Welsh teatime treat....

Parmesan Broccoli Soup (Recipe Inspired by THE PLOT)

Parmesan Broccoli Soup is the perfect dish to usher you out of the depths of winter and lead you into spring.   Why is Parmesan Broccoli Soup the book-inspired recipe for The Plot? In The Plot, there’s a green soup that wife Anna makes for main character Jacob when he’s feeling down and out. After this family-favorite meal came up few times in the novel, I was like, Okay, a “green soup” NEEDS to be the book-inspired recipe for...

Sunday Night Chicken Dinner (Recipe Inspired by FRIENDS AND STRANGERS)

Sunday Night Chicken Dinner, coming in hot! We’re talking pan-seared chicken smothered in a creamy tomato sauce and served over pasta. It’s perfect for a chilly February night with the snow falling outside and the wind howling at your door.   Why is Sunday Night Chicken Dinner the book-inspired recipe for Friends and Strangers? In Friends and Strangers, main characters Elisabeth and Sam quickly move beyond their employer-employee...

Raspberry Rose Profiteroles (Recipe inspired by THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF ADDIE LA RUE)

Making Raspberry Rose Profiteroles is back-breaking work. Wait, no, I’m totally kidding! These profiteroles are my first book-inspired recipe since my back surgery, so let’s just say that easing back into food blogger life is…interesting. I actually picked Raspberry Rose Profiteroles to launch my comeback because they are so super easy to make.   My long-standing love for profiteroles There was a time I made profiteroles on the...

Jam Thumbprint Cookies (Recipe Inspired by CHRISTMAS JOY)

It's just not Christmas without Jam Thumbprint Cookies on my dessert table.   Why are Jam Thumbprint Cookies the book-inspired recipe for Christmas Joy? Even though I didn't grow up baking these little cookies filled with fruity goodness, they've become a Christmas cookie staple in my home over the years. Which is why I think they're the perfect book-inspired recipe for Christmas Joy. Main character Joy spends hours baking dozens and...

Gingerbread Cake (Recipe Inspired by N0S4A2)

There's nothing like a festive Gingerbread Cake to give you all the Christmas feels. Except maybe several Gingerbread Cakes.    Why is Gingerbread Cake the book-inspired recipe for N0S4A2? I had to make Gingerbread Cake as the book-inspired recipe for N0S4A2. Had to. Remember that creepy guy Bing in the book? Yeah... he uses gingerbread-scented sevoflurane to gas his victims. Yes, that's a morbid connection, but aren't you used...

Sally Lunn Buns (Recipe Inspired by THE OTHER BENNET SISTER)

It’s hard to believe that these Sally Lunn Buns came out of my kitchen. But, they did, and they're freaking perfect.   A reminder about me and bread-making... In case you don't remember, I suck making yeasted bread. Like, really suck at it. I mean, I've done it, with mixed results. There was the Fig and Pepper Bread, which turned out surprisingly great, and then the Cinnamon Rolls-turned-Cinnamon Cake, which, while delicious,...