A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Gingerbread Cake (Recipe Inspired by N0S4A2)

There's nothing like a festive Gingerbread Cake to give you all the Christmas feels. Except maybe several Gingerbread Cakes.    Why is Gingerbread Cake the book-inspired recipe for N0S4A2? I had to make Gingerbread Cake as the book-inspired recipe for N0S4A2. Had to. Remember that creepy guy Bing in the book? Yeah... he uses gingerbread-scented sevoflurane to gas his victims. Yes, that's a morbid connection, but aren't you used...

Sticky Toffee Pudding (Recipe Inspired by A SINGLE THREAD)

Who loves Sticky Toffee Pudding? THIS GIRL. You will, too, after you taste this amaze-balls recipe for one of the most decadent and delicious desserts known to man. Yes, this post absolutely needed all that alliteration. BECAUSE THAT IS JUST HOW FANTASTIC STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING IS. *Takes deep breath and calms down * Welcome, Tartlets, and let me introduce you to my book-inspired recipe for A Single Thread. Why is Sticky Toffee Pudding the...

Cinnamon Roll Cake (Recipe Inspired by CHRISTMAS SHOPAHOLIC)

Wanna know a secret? Cinnamon Roll Cake was originally supposed to be cinnamon rolls.   Why is Cinnamon Roll Cake the book-inspired recipe for Christmas Shopaholic? This book-inspired recipe for Christmas Shopaholic was born out of a failed attempt to make Sticky Buns for another book review. Nothing goes as main character Becky plans on Christmas Day in Christmas Shopaholic, and Cinnamon Roll Cake fits right into that theme, making...

Rose Honey Cake (Recipe Inspired by JERUSALEM MAIDEN)

This Rose Honey Cake turned out so gorgeous, I had a hard time slicing into it. Which is pretty frickin’ hilarious, considering how absolutely awful my first attempt at making this dessert went! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll remember my post of the cake that flowed like molten lava up and over its baking dish and (thankfully!) onto the baking sheet below. Moral of that story? Don’t try to cram a cake meant for a 9” springform...

Sock It To Me Cake (Recipe Inspired by AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE)

Have you ever heard of Sock It To Me Cake? If you have, you probably grew up in the American South. But, if you're like me, this is a brand new cake experience that you're about to have. And you're going to love it.  Get excited.    What is Sock It To Me Cake to book-inspired recipe for An American Marriage? Sock It To Me Cake is main character Roy’s favorite cake in An American Marriage. His momma makes it for him when he...

Pantry Staples Recipes: A Coronavirus Meal Planning Survival Guide

Hello, Tartlets! We interrupt our regularly scheduled book review and book-inspired recipe posts to bring you this specially curated list of Pantry Staples Recipes, designed to help you figure out what the heck to cook each day while you're spending 24/7 with those you love...with, um, rather limited resources. My grandmother always kept a well-stocked pantry and freezer in her basement. Whenever I would visit her, we would go downstairs and...

Parkin Cake (Recipe Inspired by THE LOST FOR WORDS BOOKSHOP

One of the most delightful things about reading The Lost for Words Bookshop was discovering what Parkin Cake is. Why is Parkin Cake the book-inspired recipe for The Lost for Words Bookshop?  I love books set in different places, and a large reason why is that they allow me to discover new cuisines. A “Parkin” is repeatedly mentioned in The Lost for Words Bookshop as something that Loveday and her mother would bake together for her...

Blueberry Molasses Cake (Recipe Inspired by THE INVITED)

Blueberry Molasses Cake is on my short list for favorite cake of the year. It's mouthwateringly moist, packed with unique flavor, and downright delicious.   Why is Blueberry Molasses Cake the book-inspired recipe for The Invited? Since The Invited takes places in Vermont, I wanted a book-inspired recipe that's quintessentially New England. You can't get more New England than Yankee Magazine, and I don't think you can get more New...

Mint Chocolate Cake (Reciped Inspired by THE MOTHER-IN-LAW)

I really should call this Mint Chocolate Cake the “Hot Mess Cake.” Because that's totally what it looks like until the cake comes out of the oven. It’s just a whole bunch o’ ingredients dumped unceremoniously into a food processor that magically becomes one of the most delicious, moist, and mouth-watering cakes you’ll ever taste. Even though The Mother-in-Law wasn't inspired by author Sally Hepworth's mother-in-law, my book-inspired...

Cardamom Banana Cake with Coconut Frosting

Do I really need to write a post about this Cardamom Banana Cake with Coconut Frosting? I mean, LOOK AT IT. A picture’s worth a thousand words, so I’m just gonna peace out for the rest of this post… KIDDING! Just kidding. I’ve been blogging for almost a whole year now; I know how all this works. I have to entice you to make this dessert through words and photos. Really, the best advertisement for this Cardamom Banana Cake is the fact...