A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Sunday Night Chicken Dinner (Recipe Inspired by FRIENDS AND STRANGERS)

Sunday Night Chicken Dinner, coming in hot! We’re talking pan-seared chicken smothered in a creamy tomato sauce and served over pasta. It’s perfect for a chilly February night with the snow falling outside and the wind howling at your door.   Why is Sunday Night Chicken Dinner the book-inspired recipe for Friends and Strangers? In Friends and Strangers, main characters Elisabeth and Sam quickly move beyond their employer-employee...

Grand-Mere’s Friday Night Chicken (Recipe Inspired by THE GOWN)

Grand-Mere’s Friday Night Chicken is truth in advertising here, people. Or, truth in blogging, I guess. What you see is what you get. And what I cooked.   Why is Grand-Mere's Friday Night Chicken the book-inspired recipe for The Gown? Main character Miriam mentions her grandmother's traditional Friday Night chicken dish in The Gown, and it sounded so interesting that I decided to make it. The original recipe for Grand-Mere’s...

Loaded Turkey Nachos (Recipe Inspired by PARTY OF TWO)

Don't run away! I know this looks like a salad. Let me reassure you that you're looking at a big ol' honkin' plate of Loaded Turkey Nachos. That's right: there's meat under there. (That's what he said.)    Why are Loaded Turkey Nachos the book-inspired recipe for Party of Two?  Tartlets, you don't even know how difficult it was choosing my book-inspired recipe for Party of Two. This rom-com doubles down on the food talk. Cakes...

Creamy Pesto Pasta (Recipe Inspired by IN FIVE YEARS)

Creamy Pesto Pasta is another book-inspired recipe that was in the works long before I had a book to pair with it. Creamy pesto sauce, IMHO, is so much better than regular ol' pesto sauce. My favorite local Italian restuarant makes a version that's literally had me licking the bowl after I'd wolfed down all the pasta. ' Why is Creamy Pesto Pasta the book-inspired recipe for In Five Years? I've been angling to make my own version of Creamy...

Smothered Chicken and Broiled Broccolini (Recipe Inspired by MEG & JO)

Say hello to your new comfort food dish: Smothered Chicken and Broiled Broccolini.     Why is Smothered Chicken and Broiled Broccolini the book-inspired recipe for Meg and Jo? This book-inspired recipe for Meg and Jo was an easy pick. One of the things I loved about this novel is that it contains no shortage of delicious food. At one point, Jo March is asked to make “family dinner” for the restaurant crew where she works. Jo whips up a...

One Pot Cheeseburger Pasta (Recipe Inspired by WOW, NO THANK YOU)

Ooey, gooey, cheesy goodness is coming your way in the form of One Pot Cheeseburger Pasta. I know we’re nearing the end of comfort food season, but after an especially trying 13 months, I think we’re allowed a little over-indulgence, don’t you? One Pot Cheeseburger Pasta is the exact warm, comforting, culinary hug you need in your life.     Why is One Pot Cheeseburger Pasta the book-inspired recipe for Wow, No Thank You? Imagine my...

Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings (Recipe Inspired by COSY)

There’s nothing like Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings to warm you up on a cold winter night! Okay, that gratuitously cozy-sounding first sentence was to coax you into reading the rest of this post after you glanced at the featured image. I’ll be the first to admit that these Chicken and Dumplings pics aren’t the prettiest examples of food photography to ever grace my blog. BUT! I guarantee you that this dish is one of the most delicious,...

Chickpea Burgers with Mint Tahini Carrot Slaw (Recipe Inspired by THE BOOK OF LONGINGS)

I never thought I could love a meatless burger so dang much. These Chickpea Burgers with Mint Tahini Carrot Slaw have stolen my heart. But, in the words of Chandler Bing: Could the name of this dish BE any longer?!? Sheesh.   Why are Chickpea Burgers with Mint Tahini Carrot Slaw the book-inspired recipe for The Book of Longings This book-inspired recipe is a bit of a wild card for me. If you've been following my blog for awhile,...

Veggie Soba Noodle Bowls (Recipe Inspired by THE GRAVEYARD APARTMENT)

I'm feeling all the vegetarian vibes with these Veggie Soba Noodle Bowls. I thought I had a handle on quick, delicious dishes with my brie mac and cheese and mushroom thyme pasta, both of which use traditional pasta and cook up in about 20 minutes. However, it's soba noodles for the win when those hangry "I need to eat NOW!" cravings hit.     Why are Veggie Soba Noodle Bowls the book-inspired recipe for The Graveyard Apartment? I’d heard of...

Ratatouille Pasta (Recipe Inspired by RODHAM)

Ratatouille Pasta is the rescue recipe for anyone whose vegetable garden is still in zucchini and tomato overload.  *raises hand* This is the first year that Mr. Tart and I have managed to successfully grow our own vegetables. We've been in the Cottage for five years now, and we've completely failed at growing food for three of those. However, since quarantine's forced us to spend a LOT more time at home, we've been able to properly tend...