A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Cauliflower and White Cheddar Soup (Recipe Inspired by AUNT DIMITY AND THE KING’S RANSOM)

Cauliflower and White Cheddar Soup is your go-to staple for classic comfort food in a bowl. Why is Cauliflower and White Cheddar Soup the book-inspired recipe for Aunt Dimity and The King's Ransom? Even though it's a mystery, Aunt Dimity and The King’s Ransom really hits the spot when it comes to foodie fiction. The inn's shifty chef, Steve, is a culinary genius, and his meals at The King's Ransom are paid a lot of attention throughout...

Mushroom Brie Mac and Cheese (Recipe inspired by NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS)

Mushroom Brie Mac and Cheese my go-to meal when I'm on my own for dinner. Being able to eat whatever you want for dinner is one of the best parts of being single. Or, heck -- one of the best parts of having a night on your own while your partner and/or kids are out doing their own thang. While I love eating dinner with my husband, sometimes I miss the days of whipping up whatever I want without having to take anyone else's food preferences into...

Chicken and Rice Casserole

Well, Tartlets, in case you haven't noticed, new posts are a little more intermittent these days. Remember that concussion I mentioned awhile back? Yeeaaaah. Turns out, it didn't go away as quickly as I had originally thought. I had a relapse in mid-January, and I was told by various doctors that the only cure is rest and time. This unfortunately means that I'm restricted from most of my blogging activities until I'm fully recovered, which...

One-Pot Swedish Meatball Pasta (Recipe Inspired by HORRORSTOR)

Everyone knows that the best part about Ikea -- apart from it not being a haunted Orsk store -- is the in-store restaurant. There's just something exciting about grabbing that tray, standing on the line cafeteria-style, and being ladled up a giant spoonful of steaming Swedish meatballs smothered in gravy. That's what makes an Ikea trip so great -- you can spend the entire day there, wandering around and being fed a hot meal without ever...

Cioppino with Garlic Toast (Inspired by THE IMMORTALISTS)

This Cioppino may be the best meal I've made all year. For reals. Seafood lovers, you are in for a TREAT. Even before I decided that I was going to keep reading The Immortalists, I knew I wanted to make a dish that related to San Francisco. Simon is the first sibling you meet in The Immortalists, and his story quickly takes him to The City by the Bay. His love of SF and the freedom he experiences there is what made me fall in love with this...