A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Man Catcher Cake (Inspired by THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO)

Man Catcher Cake

I’m super excited to introduce you to the matchmaker —

Whoops! I mean, the cake of the year: The Man Catcher Cake.

Cake Batter



Why is Man Catcher Cake the book-inspired recipe for The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo?

This book-inspired recipe for The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was kind of a no-brainer. Evelyn Hugo goes through seven spouses. Clearly, she’s a knock-out who needs no help catching a man. Or, a woman for that matter.

But everyone needs a cake now and then, so I decided to pair irresistible Evelyn with one of my favorite desserts: the Man Catcher Cake.

Bundt Cake



This cake recipe may sound familiar…

Full disclosure: Man Catcher Cake is by no means an original Tart recipe. I’ve been making this bright and flavorful pound cake for years after first discovering it in All Cakes Considered by NPR’s producer and “Cake Lady,” Melissa Gray.

It’s one of my favorite cakes ever, both for its delicious flavor and how incredibly easy it is to whip up for any occasion.

Bundt Cake

I did think about tweaking the recipe to make it more my own. In fact, I seriously debated with swapping the orange extract for blood orange juice and zest. I figured the zest would give this citrusy cake a different flavor twist, and the bright red juice would make a beautifully rosy-hued cake.

Then I nixed that idea when I realized that a bright-ass pink cake probably wouldn’t be incredibly “man-catching.”

Pound Cake

A small aside about All Cakes Considered – this is one of the first baking books I read when I embarked upon my culinary adventures.

Half my baking prowess is owed to my grandmother; the other half is owed to Melissa Gray. I’ve used my copy of her beloved cookbook so often that the binding is coming apart.

Sour Cream Pound cake



What’s a Man Catcher Cake taste like?

The Man Catcher is true to its name: I’ve yet to meet a man (or woman, or child) who can resist this cake’s sweet charms.

If you’re wondering what’s in this darn thing, you should know that the Man Catcher could also go by the less provocative name of “Citrus Sour Cream Pound Cake.”

Man Catcher Cake

At first glance, it just looks like a regular ol’ Bundt cake. Take one taste, though, and you’re treated to hints of vanilla, orange, and lemon.

The flavors are subtle, mingling together perfectly in each bite, and the cake’s lemon glaze lends a welcome tartness to the sugary citrus crumb.

Man Catcher Cake

This cake is thick and dense, like a good pound cake should be, and it’s great for serving a crowd. One slice goes a long way.

I’ve brought this cake to pot lucks, to parties as a hostess gift, and, in true All Cakes Considered fashion, into the office for my co-workers. It’s a workhorse and is pretty much the perfect cake to bring to any gathering.

Man Catcher Cake



Okay, I’m ready to catch me a man. (JK! Mostly…) How do I make this cake??

I used a traditional Bundt pan for this post, but I’ve also made the Man Catcher in fancier cake pans; as long as you liberally grease the pan, the finished cake slides out just fine. Decorate it how you like, and feel free to use a vanilla or orange glaze instead of the lemon. The flavors in this cake are easily customizable. I sprinkled my cake with white and gold sanding sugars, and pearlized white sprinkles.

Cake slices

I haven’t written my own version of the Man Catcher recipe below because, thanks to the interwebs, the recipe and instructions from All Cakes Considered are already online. For the Man Catcher Cake recipe and instructions, please click here.

I highly recommend reading the full article since it gives you so many of those helpful baking tips I referenced earlier. Plus, Gray’s writing will give you a good chuckle as you bake.

Cake with slices



Wait, what about the glaze?

A friend recently told me that the link above gives you the recipe for the cake, but not for the delicious glaze that goes on top of it. I hope Gray won’t mind me including it here for you all.

Recipe for Lemon Glaze: Whisk together 3/4 cup confectioner’s sugar with 1.5 tbsp milk and 2 tsp lemon extract until smooth and combined. Then drizzle or pour glaze over the cooled cake; let glaze harden before serving.



What do I serve with Man Catcher Cake?

Man Catcher Cake is a great dessert to follow up a meal that embraces lots of citrus flavor. Try serving it after a dinner of Baked Sea Scallops with Lemon Spinach Basmati Rice, Citrus Quinoa Salad, or Salsa Verde Shrimp Pasta.

And, since pound cakes are classic Southern desserts, embrace your inner Southerner with a meal of Paprika Shrimp and Smoked Gouda Polenta or Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwiches before you indulge in a slice or two (or three…) of cake.

7 thoughts on “Man Catcher Cake (Inspired by THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO)

  1. I’ve been making a sour cream pound cake for years that was my mother’s receipt. My cousin who is an avid baker substituted equal parts of cream cheese for the sour cream. What a winner!

    1. Are you saying they added the same amount of cream cheese as sour cream? That sounds amazing!!!

  2. What is the right temperatureto bake at. 350 or 325? That was a bit confusing to me. Also, dou you mix your dry ingredients at one time and then separate into smaller bowls, or separate the flour into separate cotainers, then add the other dry ingredients?

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