A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

2019: A Year in Review (and Happy Holidays)

Well, Tartlets. It's been A YEAR, as they say. Quite honestly, I'm not sad to see the back of 2019; it seemed to be cursed from the get-go. I shouldn't be surprised, though. Between writing my first novel and starting my blog, 2018 was pretty...

Literary Agents: If At First You Don’t Succeed…

I was driving home from work when I saw the email ping through on my phone. I had stopped at a red light, so I hungrily grasped the phone and opened the preview screen, eager to see the reply. I only managed to glimpse a few (positive) sentences...

A Literary Agent is Reading My Manuscript

YOU GUYS. Right now.... as we speak... (erm, type? Read? Whatever!) ... and, quite possibly, at this very moment... A LITERARY AGENT IS READING MY MANUSCRIPT!!!!! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I can't believe I'm finally, finally writing...

Confessions of a Concussed Writer: Where I’ve Been

Be careful what you wish for, people. I’d been saying for awhile that I needed a break. Since starting my blog in July 2018 and rediscovering my love for writing earlier that year, my everyday life has become quite overwhelming. Although I love...

Daycation: This Blogger’s Birthday Feast

This daycation post is going to be different from my others. I didn't actually go anywhere for this daycation. Instead, I stayed at home (so, I guess it's a staycation) and gave myself permission to take a little break from the craziness of my usual...


Hi, there! I’m CJ, a writer and avid reader who loves to spend time in the kitchen. HISTORY: In 2018, a friend (Thanks, G!) suggested I start a blog as a way to combine my love for books with my love of cooking and baking. The concept is that I...