A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

I WAS A TEENAGE SLASHER (Dark Side of the Word Podcast)

Hello, Tartlets and Darksiders! A new book club podcast episode is up on Dark Side of the Word. Join me and Kait as we discuss the slasher horror novel I Was A Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones. I admired so much about I Was A Teenage Slasher. The story concept is brilliant, the humor is sharp and witty, the book’s unique setting of a rural West Texas town is practically its own character, and I love how the author tied everything...

WITCHRAFT FOR WAYWARD GIRLS (Dark Side of the Word Podcast)

Hello, Tartlets and Darksiders! A new book club podcast episode is up on Dark Side of the Word. Join me and Kait as we discuss the novel Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix. You know that Kait and I get excited whenever a new Grady Hendrix novel comes out, and Witchcraft for Wayward Girls did not disappoint! Well, mostly. While we don’t really feel that this book is horror, it sure was a damn good read. Here are the main...

GHOST STATION (Dark Side of the Word Podcast)

Hello, Tartlets and Darksiders! A new book club podcast episode is up on Dark Side of the Word. Join me and Kait as we discuss the space horror novel Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes. No one’s more surprised than I about loving a space horror book. Ghost Station has opened up a whole new genre for me, and I am here for it. It’s just too bad this book had the exact opposite effect on Kait. Join us as we discuss character development,...

INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE (Dark Side of the Word Podcast)

Hello, Tartlets and Darksiders! A new book club podcast episode is up on Dark Side of the Word. Join me and Kait as we discuss the horror novel Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman. While I wasn’t full-on freaked out by Incidents Around the House, there were more than a few moments in the book that were exceptionally creepy. Particularly one involving a toilet. Thanks so much, Malerman, for making me scared to use to the bathroom in...

THE WOODS ALL BLACK (Dark Side of the Word Podcast)

Hello, Tartlets and Darksiders! A new book club podcast episode is up on Dark Side of the Word. Join me and Kait as we discuss the The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo. Leslie is on a new nursing assignment in Spar Creek, a town nestled in the Appalachian mountains. It seems like a quiet place with simple people, but something sinister lurks in its shadows – something that’s beginning to terrorize its god-fearing citizens. Spar Creek...

HIDE (Dark Side of the Word Podcast)

Hello, Tartlets and Darksiders! A new book club podcast episode is up on Dark Side of the Word. Join me and Kait as we discuss the horror/thriller novel Hide by Kiersten White. Fourteen people arrive at an abandoned amusement park for a life-changing opportunity. All they have to do is play an elaborate game of hide-and-seek, and the last person standing will win $50K. But, if they're all hiding, who's the seeker? Why is there blood on the...


Dixie Wheeler, the main character of Theme Music, is a little odd. She gets a pass, though. You would, too, if your whole family was brutally slaughtered in front of your eyes. YEAH. You heard me.   What's Theme Music about? The prologue of Theme Music  is an incredibly graphic replay of when Dixie Wheeler's father pulled a Lizzie Borden on his family, taking an axe and chopping them into pieces one Thanksgiving morning....

BLANKY Book Review

I feel like Blanky is a cautionary tale about trusting people who can't spell. I mean, would you buy something from a shopkeeper advertising "BABY CLOSE" (i.e., "clothes") for sale? Nope. I sure as hell wouldn't. If for no other reason than on the principle of being a proud (and snobbish) English major who mastered second grade spelling. Unfortunately, main character Steve and his wife weren't as bothered about this obvious portent of...


I didn't think I was spooked by The Graveyard Apartment. I really didn’t. Then I had a dream that I was trying to herd my Japanese family (which I don't have) out of our high-rise apartment building (which I don't live in) that's teeming with ghosts. THAT'S when I knew this intensely creepy, Japanese horror story had really gotten to me.   What's The Graveyard Apartment about? The premise of The Graveyard Apartment is admittedly...


The Silent Companions is a damn good ghost story.  Except, it’s not a ghost story. The house in which the main characters live is most decidedly haunted, but not by ghosts, per se. The things that go bump in the night are far less sinister at first glance, which makes their effect upon the story that much creepier. However, calling this a “bewitched wooden figurine story” just doesn’t carry quite the same weight.  ...