A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

How to Find a Good Hybrid Publisher that’s Right for You

Welcome back! We've made it to Part 3 of my hybrid publishing series. Thanks for hanging in there! Today we're talking about how to find a good hybrid publisher that's right for you. This post will give you guidelines about how to determine a reputable hybrid publisher from a "meh" one -- and from a really bad one! I'll also give you some tips about what you should look for in a hybrid publisher based on your preferences as a writer and...

Conversations with Hybrid Publishers: My Good and Bad Experiences

Thanks for joining me for Part 2 of my Hybrid Publishing series! Today, I'm sharing the details about my experiences with two hybrid publishers -- both the good and the bad!   A Tale of Two Publishers As I mentioned in How to Decide if Hybrid Publishing is Right for You, I was offered not one, but two hybrid publishing contracts. Yes, I was ecstatic when this happened. But my enthusiasm was tempered by so many questions. Obviously, I can’t...

How to Decide if Hybrid Publishing is Right for You

Writers, I have gone down a freakin' rabbit hole when it comes to Hybrid Publishing. Which is pretty incredible considering that I didn't even know hybrid publishing existed until a few months ago. If you're wondering what hybrid publishing is and if could be right for you, you've come to the right spot. Join me for a three-part blog series that delves into the ins and outs of this lesser-known author option that's gaining ground in the...