A Well-Read Tart

A Food and Book Lover’s Blog

Literary Agents: If At First You Don’t Succeed…

I was driving home from work when I saw the email ping through on my phone. I had stopped at a red light, so I hungrily grasped the phone and opened the preview screen, eager to see the reply. I only managed to glimpse a few (positive) sentences before I realized I should probably wait until I was out from behind the wheel before reading the entire message. I sighed, then closed the screen and sat back, waiting for the light to change. It was...

A Literary Agent is Reading My Manuscript

YOU GUYS. Right now.... as we speak... (erm, type? Read? Whatever!) ... and, quite possibly, at this very moment... A LITERARY AGENT IS READING MY MANUSCRIPT!!!!! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I can't believe I'm finally, finally writing these words. I thought this freakin' day would never come. You all remember the query quandary I was in last year. Writing my first novel turned out to be the easy part, while crafting the "perfect...

Query Quandary

You guys. I thought writing a novel would be one of the hardest things I’d ever do. I was totally wrong. I’ve finished three rounds of revisions on my manuscript, which means that it’s time to start querying agents. “Queries” are emails in which I beg literary agents in a professional manner to read 10-30 pages of the full novel I spent months pouring my blood, sweat, and tears into, in the hopes they will want to read the rest of the...